Dinner Church Reading List
Where to Start!?!
We’re here for you. Here is our (not exhaustive! Let us know what else should be on here in the comments) list of books you should pick up if you are getting into dinner church
Learn from the expert(s)
The Dinner Church collection from Verlon Fosner & Fresh Expressions
Verlon has become a friend and is the most wonderful of mentors, both through his writing and his friendship. This lineup of resources is the best out there right now for taking an idea (spirit nudge) to a full-fledge dinner church. Verlon and the network of Dinner Churches. They are the OG of dinner church and you should know and learn from them.
Let me break down the resources:
Welcome to Dinner Church // This is your quick overview, to the point, and practically helpful dinner church sidekick resource. I’ve come to this to gain wisdom on how to fund dinner church, and how to help coach people to be around the table.
Dinner Church // Take a deep dive. Here you will find the historical, theological, and practical motivations for dinner church
The Dinner Church Handbook // Here is your practical guide to getting things off the ground. Even with food plans and options in the back.
They offer more in-depth learning or to learn with a group of people they provide a DVD set of Verlon’s teachings as well. Highly recommend these resources.
Theology and early Christian context
Table Talk: Rethinking communion and community by Mike Graves
Make it stand out
I love church history. Much of what motivated me to look into dinner church in the first place was knowing that church as we know it now looks very little like it did when it began, and to find our way to a new future it may be good to back to the source material. Mike Graves does this in a beautiful and helpful way. I’ve found myself incorporating many of the historical realities and perspectives into the way I think about Dinner Church and my conviction around it.
Inviting neighbors and recapturing the spiritual practice of celebration (for those thinking of dinner church in a home)
Happy Hour: Etiquette and Advice on Holy Merriment by Hugh Halter
Though this book does not discuss Dinner Church explicitly there are so many transferable ideas and perspectives. Hugh is a master host. He graciously gives you a picture of what it looks likes to balance gospel invitation with just plan fun. We have carried this spirit into the spirit of celebration we reinforce at dinner church.
Integrating the liturgical and understanding the embodied reality of dinner church.
We will Feast: Rethinking Dinner, Worship, and the Community of God by Kendell Vanderslice
Kendall has her MLA in gastrology… which gives her this amazing and unique voice from which to speak into the dinner church reality. Kendall carefully lays out the theological groundwork for dinner church and how it moves us towards health through and embodied Christian practice.
What else should be on this list?
What are you reading where are you learning from? Let us know by commenting below.